Backup Solutions

Protect Your Data: Ensure Safe Backups for Unforeseen Events

Imagine losing all your precious files and data in a tech disaster. It’s not just something that happens to other people. Ransomware attacks have also evolved, disguising themselves as innocent-looking utility bills, tricking even the most vigilant users into clicking without a second thought.

If you can’t afford to lose essential files from your computer, smartphone, or tablet, it’s crucial to invest a little time in setting up a reliable backup system. By securely storing backups of your most valuable files, you can confidently ignore ransomware demands, wipe your device clean if necessary, and start afresh.

However, it’s essential to choose a backup system that not only runs automatically in the background but also keeps previous versions of your files. This way, if you accidentally back up an infected file, you can go back in time and restore an earlier, uninfected version.

Dedicated backup software and services often offer more advanced features and control compared to cloud storage or sync services. Business-grade services typically provide superior protection compared to consumer-grade options. Some services may only retain previous versions of specific file types like Office documents, while others might store previous versions for a limited time, such as 30 days.

Beware of mapping your backup drive to your computer, as it can be risky. If your computer falls victim to ransomware, it can spread to mapped drives, compromising your backups. Instead, opt for secure backup solutions that offer alternative methods of access.

@Mospheric will test your backup service regularly. We don’t simply check if backups are running regularly attempt to recover a few files to ensure the integrity of your backups. If special software or registration keys are needed for file recovery, we make appropriate arrangements in advance of testing your backup systems.

Maintaining a healthy dose of caution is vital when safeguarding your data. What is your backup strategy, and has it come to the rescue during a disaster?